Living Faith Fellowship
An Assembly of Believers in Bolivar, Missouri

Living Faith Fellowship is a Bible-believing assembly located in Bolivar, Missouri. We are a group of ordinary people, bought by the Blood of Jesus Christ, and united in our desire to forsake everything and follow Him (Luke 14:33). In being committed to our Lord, we are also committed to one another: to worship together and exhort one another (Heb. 10:25), to confess our faults and pray for each other (Jas. 5:16), and to walk together as the Lord leads us in sanctification and service (1 John 1:7).
After many years as a home-based fellowship, LFF expanded in 2017 to reach out more broadly through a public venue. Our vision is for the assembly to continue to function like a family, where the members know and are known by one another. We are non-denominational, not because we are opposed to denominations, but because we feel our calling is to connect with believers from a wide variety of backgrounds. We are passionate about doctrine, but also strive to avoid division over non-essentials.
Our Sunday morning services begin at 10:30, and generally run 1-½ to 2 hours. We open with a time of worship, which is acoustic in style, featuring a mix of familiar contemporary worship songs, and both old and modern hymns. We give opportunity for members to share prayer burdens and praises, before moving into a time of corporate prayer. One of our teachers will then bring a message from the Word. We aspire to have decency and order in our meetings (1 Cor. 14:39-40), but also to be Spirit-led, which means that any agenda we might set is always subject to change.
Service Time and Location
Join us at 10:30 Sunday mornings at The Freedom Building - 892 Hwy 32 in Bolivar. Our format includes acoustic worship music, prayer, sharing, and sound Bible teaching. Contact us with any questions.